A Broadcast campaign is a messaging service that allows sending messages to specific distribution groups delivered via SMS, Email, or Push.

Broadcasts serve as a way to accelerate the flow of data and information across a company or a large network of members. Organizations make use of broadcasts to communicate en-masse. This enables enterprise companies to relay important messages to their customers for informational or marketing purposes.

You can send three types of Broadcast:

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Push notification

The status of the delivery channel SMS, EMAIL, PUSH:

"Microsession NW - SMS now"Send SMS message Now
"Microsession NW - SMS scheduled"Send SMS message Scheduled
"Microsession NW - SMS later"Send SMS message Pending
"Microsession NW - EMAIL now"Send EMAIL message Now
"Microsession NW - EMAIL scheduled"Send EMAIL message Scheduled
"Microsession NW - EMAIL later"Send EMAIL message Pending
Push notificationDescription
"Microsession NW - PUSH now"Send PUSH message Now
"Microsession NW - PUSH scheduled"Send PUSH message Scheduled
"Microsession NW - PUSH later"Send PUSH message Pending

Sending a SMS Broadcast

When you create SMS Broadcast, the response body contains the basic data of the broadcast created:

HTTP Request : POST /broadcasts

  "deliveryMethod": "SMS",
  "campaignName": "Microsession NW - SMS now",
  "description": "Microsession NW - SMS now",
  "listId": 829,
  "listField": "mobile",
  "filters": "mobile%5Blike%5D=+",
  "filterName": "only mobile numbers",
  "message": "Hola [[name]]. Hasta luego",
  "origin": "14155824559",
  "scheduleWithoutDate": false,
  "throttle": 250,
  "emailField": "email",
  "requestDR": true

The parameters presented in the response body example when creating the SMS Broadcast are the following:

deliveryMethodDefine the Delivery Channel. Available delivery channels are SMS, EMAIL or PUSH. In this case the delivery channel is SMS.
campaignNameDefine a Broadcast Name. Name of the campaign, used as the main identifier for the broadcast.
descriptionDefine the Description of the delivery channel.
listIdDefine the List identifier and the Recipients of your Broadcast. The id of the list you want to send the message.
The recipients can be:

- All subscribers on list.

- A segment previously created in the corresponding API (use the field segmentId).
listFieldDefine the List Field. Type of delivery channel.
filtersDefine the Filters. Filter that you want to apply on the message.
filterNameDefine the Filter Name. The content is the name of the filter that you want to apply on the message.
messageDefine the Content of Broadcast. Delivery Channel SMS is a plain text.
originDefine the origin of Broadcast. Delivery Channel SMS is a valid code.
scheduleWithoutDateDefine the Date & Time of your Broadcast
To define broadcast date you have two main options:

- Send now: Add the field scheduleWithoutDate to false when sending the broadcast.

- Scheduled: Add the field broadcastDate with date in UTC Zulu format. (yyyy-mm-dd-Thh:mm:ss.ssZ) when sending the broadcast.
throttleMessage delivery speedometer. For example, 250 messages are sent per second.
emailFieldDefine Additional user information.
Optionally, you can include these fields:

- emailField with the name of the column that stores the emails in the main list.

- smsField with the name of the column that stores the mobile number in the main list.

- clientId with the name of the column that stores the main identifier in the main list.

These additional fields help connect the information for your reports.
requestDRRequest delivery receipt ( Yes “True” or No “false” )

Sending an Email Broadcast

When you create Email Broadcast, the response body contains the basic data of the broadcast created:

HTTP Request : POST /broadcasts

  "deliveryMethod": "EMAIL",
  "campaignName": "Microsession NW - EMAIL now",
  "description": "Microsession NW - EMAIL now",
  "listId": 829,
  "listField": "email",
  "filters": "email%5Blike%5D=@",
  "filterName": "only emails",
  "message": " ",
  "origin": "[email protected]",
  "scheduleWithoutDate": false,
  "throttle": 160,
  "smsField": "mobile",
  "subject": "Microsession NW - EMAIL now"

The parameters presented in the response body example when creating the Email Broadcast are the following:

deliveryMethodDefine The Delivery Channel. Available delivery channels are SMS, EMAIL or PUSH. In this case the delivery channel is EMAIL.
campaignNameDefine a Broadcast Name. Name of the campaign, used as the main identifier for the broadcast.
descriptionDefine the Description of the delivery channel.
listIdDefine the List identifier and the Recipients of your Broadcast. The id of the list that you want to send the message.
The recipients can be:

- All subscribers on list.

- A segment previously created in the corresponding API (use the field segmentId).
listFieldDefine the List Field. Type of delivery channel.
filtersDefine the Filters. Filter that you want to apply on the message.
filterNameDefine the Filter Name. The content is the name of the filter that you want to apply on the message.
messageDefine the Content of Broadcast. Delivery Channel EMAIL it is an HTML code and has an additional field subject.
originDefine the origin of Broadcast. Delivery Channel EMAIL is a valid from (email sender).
scheduleWithoutDateDefine the Date & Time of your Broadcast
To define broadcast date you have two main options:

- Send now: Add the field scheduleWithoutDate to false when sending the broadcast.

- Scheduled: Add the field broadcastDate with date in UTC Zulu format. (yyyy-mm-dd-Thh:mm:ss.ssZ) when sending the broadcast.
throttleMessage delivery speedometer. For example, 250 messages are sent per second.
emailFieldDefine Additional user information. Optionally, you can include these fields:

- emailField with the name of the column that stores the emails in the main list.

- smsField with the name of the column that stores the mobile number in the main list.

- clientId with the name of the column that stores the main identifier in the main list.

These additional fields help connect the information for your reports.
subjectDefine the Subject of the Broadcast. Add subject field of the delivery channel, used as the main identifier for the broadcast.

Sending a Push Broadcast

When you create Push notification Broadcast, the response body contains the basic data of the broadcast created:

HTTP Request : POST /broadcasts

  "deliveryMethod": "PUSH",
  "campaignName": "Microsession NW - PUSH now",
  "description": "Microsession NW - PUSH now",
  "listId": 829,
  "listField": "devices",
  "filters": "devices%5Blike%5D=pushToken",
  "filterName": "only users with devices",
  "message": "Hola [[name]]. Hasta luego ",
  "scheduleWithoutDate": false,
  "throttle": 1200,
  "smsField": "mobile",
  "emailField": "email",
  "appName": "application Name",
  "title": "Hola [[name]]. Hasta luego ",
  "android": {
    "credentialId": "5f8d92cc2b39611dbd528646"

The parameters presented in the response body example when creating the Push notification Broadcast are the following:

deliveryMethodDefine The Delivery Channel. Available delivery channels are SMS, EMAIL or PUSH. In this case the delivery channel is PUSH.
campaignNameDefine a Broadcast Name. Name of the campaign, used as the main identifier for the broadcast.
descriptionDefine the Description of the delivery channel.
listIdDefine the List identifier and the Recipients of your Broadcast. The id of the list that you want to send the message.
The recipients can be:

- All subscribers on list.

- A segment previously created in the corresponding API (use the field segmentId).
listFieldDefine the List Field. Type of delivery channel.
filtersDefine the Filters. Filter that you want to apply on the message.
filterNameDefine the Filter Name. The content is the name of the filter that you want to apply on the message.
messageDefine the Content of Broadcast. Delivery Channel PUSH it is a Notification object that includes title and text, it can also include additional data.
originDefine the origin of Broadcast. Delivery Channel PUSH is an ApplicationID registered on our system.
scheduleWithoutDateDefine the Date & Time of your Broadcast
To define broadcast date you have two main options:

- Send now: Add the field scheduleWithoutDate to false when sending the broadcast.

- Scheduled: Add the field broadcastDate with date in UTC Zulu format. (yyyy-mm-dd-Thh:mm:ss.ssZ) when sending the broadcast.
throttleMessage delivery speedometer. For example, 250 messages are sent per second.
smsField / emailFieldDefine Additional user information.
Optionally, you can include these fields:

- emailField with the name of the column that stores the emails in the main list.

- smsField with the name of the column that stores the mobile number in the main list.

- clientId with the name of the column that stores the main identifier in the main list.

These additional fields help connect the information for your reports.
appNameApplication name
titleTitle of the Push notification Broadcast