Message Personalization
Messages can be personalized using placeholders. Placeholder values are filled from fields associated with subscribers. They can be default ones like mobile and email, but you can also set anything your business case requires.
The Platform has a set of predefined fields that cannot be deleted or modified:
last updated, and
member since.
How personalized fields are added to a message, depends on the delivery method being used in the campaign,
For example, if you wish to send a personalized SMS message to your subscribers saying Hello Subscriber Name, type in "Hello" and from the Add Personalized fields box, select the name placeholder by clicking on it. The personalized field name will appear in the message box surrounded by a pair of square brackets [[ ]] as shown in the figure. When added, Personalized fields are placed in the next available position in the message box.
For Email, create the Email content with personalized fields for each Recipient by using the Personalize block.
By clicking on the Personalized drop menu, you will view the available Fields that are obtained from the Subscriber List Fields.
For example, if the ‘Name’ Field is dropped into the Email, all Emails will be delivered to the Recipients with the Name obtained from the Subscription List Field used.
For WhatsApp, depending on the template selected for the WhatsApp message, make sure that among the attributes associated with the subscriber, the values of the fields used in the template are included. For example, if the 2fa_activation_en1 template, shown in the graphic, is to be used in the message, the attributes associated with the subscriber must include the values of the [[email]]
and [[activation_link]]
Personalized Fields for Interactive Campaigns (SMS).
For the case of the Web Trivia, Trivia, and Raffle Giveaway campaigns promoted through SMS, the platform will present the following configuration screen:

In the Message Content section, there four three message tabs:
- Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate. In this section, you need to add the campaign participation link given by

The Campaign Participation option is not available for the Trivia campaign.
- Prize Confirmation: This is a winner confirmation message delivered to all campaign winners. The message must include the personalized field that identifies the prize such as

No-win Message: This message is used for all campaign losers, and it does not require a personalized field.
Already Claimed: Once the prize has been already claimed, the message set up in this tab will be sent to the end user.
The Already Claimed tab is only available for Raffle Giveaway interactive campaign.
For the case of a Web Polls & Surveys campaign promoted through SMS, the platform will present the following configuration screen:
In the Message Content section, there are two message tabs:
- Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all campaign recipients inviting them to participate, and it needs to include the personalized field of the campaign participation link given by

- Closure Message: you have the option to create a follow-up message after the participant has completed the poll, but adding a personalized field is optional.
Personalized Fields for Interactive Campaigns (Email).
For the case of the Web Trivia and Raffle Giveaway campaigns promoted through Email, the platform will present the following configuration screen:

In the Message Content section, there are three message tabs:
- Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate. Independently of the option chosen to create the invitation message, you will be taken to an email editor screen with an array of tools to tailor and fine-tune the email to your needs. In it, under the blocks section of the menu, you will find the Personalize section that has the campaign participation link
, as shown below.
- Prize Confirmation: This is a winner confirmation message delivered to all campaign winners. The message must include the personalized field that identifies the prize as
- No-win Message: This message is delivered to all campaign losers, and it's optional to add personalized fields to the message.
- Already Claimed: Once the prize has been already claimed, the message set up in this tab will be sent to the end user.
The Already Claimed tab is only available for Raffle Giveaway interactive campaign.
For the case of the Web Polls & Surveys campaign promoted through Email the platform will present the following configuration screen:
In the Message Content section, there are two message tabs:
Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate.
It is required to add select personalized fields to the message. The personalized field available for Campaign Participation is
- Closure Message: you have the option to create a follow-up message after the participant has completed the poll, and it is optional to add personalized fields to the message.
Updated about 1 year ago