Dashboard and Usage Reports

The UI of the Digital Customer Engagement platform is were you create and access the messaging services, campaigns, templates, and subscribers that will contain the settings, reports, and other details related to your messages and interactive campaigns.

Once you log on to the platform, it will display the Dashboard section, the initial screen from which you can gain access to all the platform sections. As you navigate throughout the sections, you can always return to the Dashboard by selecting the Dashboard icon from the Navigation sidebar on the left.

In the central pane of the Dashboard, there are two tabs:


Each tab displays statistics for specific messaging and campaign options and subscribers gains of the platform, and for a particular date range. The date ranges are set through the Date Range Filter, Show, which appears in all three tabs to narrow the displayed information to specific time windows.

Show Date Range Filter

The Show Date Range Filter is used in multiple sections of the UI, and all instances, it is used with the same purpose, to filter the displayed data in the section to the selected date range. Only data generated within the selected range in the Show filter will be displayed.

Selecting it yields several predefined date range options and a two-month calendar, as shown in the following figure.


Narrow down the data to be displayed in any given section of the UI by selecting either one of the seven predefined options or selecting from the calendar a custom range by choosing the start and end dates that you are interested in and clicking on OKAY. The result will display only the information that was generated within the selected date range.



There is an extra option called "All". This option will display every record from the beginning of time to the current date and it is only available when filtering by Messaging or Interactive Campaigns from the Performance Reports section.

When selecting the "This Week" option, the date range filter could consider Sunday as the first day of the week, depending on the browser's timezone.