Email Status

Email Message StatusDescription
DEQUEUEDThe Email has been dequeued. It is being prepared to be sent.
NOT_SENTThe notification has not been sent.
BAD_TOInvalid To parameter.
BAD_FROMInvalid From parameter.
BLACKLISTEDThe email is blacklisted.
BLOCKED_DUE_BAD_BEHAVIOURRecipient temporarily blocked.
SENTEmail message was sent.
EXHAUSTEDRetry limit exceeded.
BOUNCED_PERMANENTRecipient blocked.
BOUNCEDThe email was rejected.
COMPLAINEDRecipient marked the email as spam.
OPENRecipient opened the email.
CLICKRecipient interacted with the email.
INCOMPLETEA personalized Email message has been sent but the placeholder information is empty . Remember, a personalized message is a message that includes placeholders (dynamic fields) such as "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", among others.