Email Status
Email Message Status | Description |
DEQUEUED | The Email has been dequeued. It is being prepared to be sent. |
NOT_SENT | The notification has not been sent. |
BAD_TO | Invalid To parameter. |
BAD_FROM | Invalid From parameter. |
BLACKLISTED | The email is blacklisted. |
BLOCKED_DUE_BAD_BEHAVIOUR | Recipient temporarily blocked. |
SENT | Email message was sent. |
EXHAUSTED | Retry limit exceeded. |
BOUNCED_PERMANENT | Recipient blocked. |
BOUNCED | The email was rejected. |
COMPLAINED | Recipient marked the email as spam. |
OPEN | Recipient opened the email. |
CLICK | Recipient interacted with the email. |
INCOMPLETE | A personalized Email message has been sent but the placeholder information is empty . Remember, a personalized message is a message that includes placeholders (dynamic fields) such as "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", among others. |
Updated 6 days ago