Reveal Campaigns Templates
Scratch Card, Crack the Ice, and Peel it
The trio of Scratch Card, Peel it and Crack the Ice campaigns belong to the family of reveal campaigns as they provide a way of user interaction based on the same principle: participation outcome is arrived at by interacting with the device's screen although each of those interactions is different.
Scratch Card, Crack the Ice and Peel it
The differences between Scratch Card, Crack the Ice, and Peel It lies in the following:
• The Scratch Card version reveals the outcome of the interaction by a back-and-forth swipe movement on the device’s screen.
• The Peel It version reveals the outcome of the interaction by a single diagonal swipe movement from top to bottom.
• The Crack the Ice version reveals the outcome of interaction by an accumulation of taps on the device's screen.
Each one of these campaign types will be shown in its own array within the template matrix. But the definition of their templates is identical. Hence, you can use the steps outlined in the following for either one of these campaign types. From this point, they will be referred to with the generic denomination of Reveal Campaigns.
Creating Reveal Campaign Templates
To create a reveal campaign template, as with any template, you select the template option either Scratch Card, Peel It, or Crack The Ice from the emerging popup window that was shown in Interactive Campaign Templates, and you reaffirm your intention in the intermediary window. You’ll be taken to the template configuration pane where you will find the elements that need to be included in it.

The elements that need to be configured are;
- Template name
- Prize Configuration (optional), and
- Reveal Content
Template name
Enter the name for the Reveal Campaign template in the text box provided. This will identity the template in the main template pane.
Prize Configuration
The Prize Configuration section can be enabled, which is the default setting, or disabled, yielding two different configuration setups:
1. Reveal Content without Prizes
2. Reveal Content with Prizes
If you are not defining the prizes for the template, disable the Prize Configuration section and skip to the Reveal Content section.
If you are defining prizes within the template, review the Prize Configuration section for a detailed explanation about prize configuration.
Define the Reveal Content
The Reveal Content setup is dependent on whether the Prize Configuration is enabled or not. This is, it can have two possible setups, with or without Prizes included, as shown below.
Reveal Content without Prizes
In the Reveal Content without Prizes there are two sections to configure:
- Content Design, and
- Reveal Design
The Content Design in this case is identical to the Content Design with the Prize Configuration enabled, which in turn, requires the same steps:
• Insert a Header image. Identifies the brand or event being promoted.
• Insert a Cover image. Corresponds to the image that blocks the view of the prize.
• Define the Footer content. Can be optionally switched off, or left active, and if active, could have an associated action link.
The Reveal Design represents a subset of completely functioning template but it excludes the prizes. Its scope is to define the elements associated with the hidden image of a winning outcome, the image to be revealed after a participation.
There are three elements that can be defined. Follow these steps:
- Insert a Header image. Identifies the brand or event being promoted.
- Insert a Reveal image. Corresponds to the image that is hidden and related to the prize.
- Set a Redirect action, which is by default disabled and this step can be omitted, or select the Redirect slider button to set the some type of follow up action, by the inclusion of a button and an associated redirect URL, once the button is acted upon.
At this point, go the preview screen and check the appearance of the content that was introduced using the
scroll arrows at the bottom to review all content. You can change any aspect of the template or you can Save it and conclude the process. The template will be added to the overall template screen in the array that corresponds to the template that was created, Scratch Card, Peel it or Crack the Ice Templates
Reveal Content with Prizes
Up to this point both cases will share the Content Design section. However the Reveal Design section will be replaced with two sections that are specific to campaigns with prizes:
- Winner, and
- Loser
The Winner section deals with the appearance of the award page of the template, except for the awarded prize image, that was already defined in the Prizes section above. The steps are:

Drag & Drop the Header image to the specified area on the screen or click the Browse Files button to select the image from the computer. This image will be displayed at the top on the winner’s screen.
Set the background color of the winner screen.
Click on the the Claim Button toggle to display a button designed to claim the prize. Here, you can define the button text, button text color, and button color.
From the User Consent Checkbox toggle, you have the option to add Terms and Conditions that Users must accept in order to claim the prize.
Enter the Terms and Conditions by selecting the Add Action Link button.
In the Loser section you define:
• The Header image by dropping it in the box provided,
• A Loser Message or Image, and optionally
• A time dependent redirect to an URL of your choosing relevant to the outcome.
You can use preview screen and check the appearance of the content that was introduced. You can change any aspect of the template or you can Save it to conclude the process. The template will be added to the overall template screen in its corresponding group: Scratch Card, Peel It, or Crack The Ice.
Updated about 1 year ago