Agents dashboard

The Agents dashboard provides an overview of individual agent performance and status. It features KPIs, graphs, and tables to track agent activity and efficiency. Here’s a breakdown of each component:


  1. Date Range Filter:
    • Located at the top of the dashboard.
    • Allows filtering the displayed data by a specific date range. Changes apply across all three tabs (Conversations, Performance, Agents).
  2. Team Filter:
    • Located at the top-left corner of the tab.
    • Allows viewing data for all teams and agents collectively or filtering by a specific team or agent.

KPIs (Top Metrics)

  1. Total Agents: The total number of agents assigned to handle live chat conversations. Provides a count of all agents across teams according to the selected time period.
  2. Total Online: The number of agents currently online and available to manage conversations.
  3. Total Away: The number of agents currently marked as “Away”. Highlights agents temporarily unavailable to handle conversations.
  4. Total Offline: The number of agents currently offline. Reflects the number of agents unavailable to handle conversations.


  1. Average First Response Time: Displays the percentage distribution of first response times broken into intervals (e.g., 0–10 min, 10–20 min) according to the selected time period.
    • Bars show the percentage average of conversations responded to within each time range.
    • The largest percentage (e.g., 84.4% within 0–10 min) highlights where most responses occur.
    • A higher percentage in intervals exceeding the configured SLA threshold suggests underperformance in team operations.
    • You can filter by each agent to know their first response time performance.
  2. Average Closing Time: Visualizes the percentage distribution of closing times broken into intervals (e.g., 0–20 min, 20–40 min) according to the selected time period.
    • Bars show the percentage average of conversations resolved and closed within each time range.
    • A higher percentage in the lower time ranges (e.g., 37.1% within 0–20 min) indicates efficient resolution times.
    • You can filter by each agent to know their average closing time performance.

Teams & Agents Performance table

The table at the bottom provides a detailed breakdown of conversation metrics per team and agent during the selected time period.

  • Team: The name of the team managing the conversations (e.g., Product, Sales, Support).
  • Agent Name: The name of the agent.
  • Status: The current status of the agent (Online, Away, Offline).
  • Last Seen: The last activity timestamp of the agent (e.g., “Just Now” or “8h ago”).
  • Conversations: Total number of conversations handled by the agent during the selected time period.
  • SLA Attended Conversations: The number of conversations the agent handled within the configured SLA threshold.
  • Avg. Closing Time: The agent’s average time to close conversations.
  • Open: Number of conversations still open and unresolved. Reflects the agent’s current workload.
  • Snoozed: Number of conversations snoozed by the agent. Indicates pending follow-ups.
  • Closed: Total number of conversations successfully resolved and closed by the agent. Shows the agent’s efficiency in addressing queries.
  • Transferred To: Number of conversations that were transferred by the agent to another agent.
  • Transferred From: Number of conversations received by the agent that were transferred from another agent.