Mobile Wallet Elements
Member Card and Digital Coupon
Apple’s iOS-based Member Cards and Digital Coupons can be leveraged to take advantage of Location Services giving you access to customers and allowing interaction based on their geographical location while keeping privacy and security designed to safeguard personal information.
Location Services uses GPS and Bluetooth (where those are available) along with crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower locations to determine your device’s approximate location.” Apple notice
The platform supports two methods,
• Locations
• iBeacons
Locations is a feature that allows you to cover expansive areas when users have enabled Location Services on their iPhones and given permission to apps or websites before they can use their location data. It is normally engaged via cell tower Locations, GPS, and Wi-Fi hotspots
In this scenario, the smartphone displays a geo-based notification on the lock screen to inform on wallet-related content. It determines when the user is close enough to the specified locations and time and based on the pass's type.
First, you need to select the Locations Fields section. It will display the following table,
Once you have selected the Locations Fields section, press the Add New Location button. This will open a Dialog to start setting up the New Location where you need to define the Location Name, Address, and Message:
Location Name: Enter a Location Name - will be used to identify the location.
Address: Use the Google Maps widget to locate the place you want to attach by typing your address in the Address field or look for it by browsing directly on the interactive map located next to the Address field.
To set a precise location, check the Advanced Locations Settings checkbox. It will display the Latitude and Longitude fields:
Enter the desired coordinates in the Longitude and Latitude fields.
To add Bulk Locations, you must upload a CSV file with their respective addresses (coordinates) by checking the Batch Upload checkbox.
Message: This message is delivered to the user, inviting him to go to the location you previously configured.
Once a mobile wallet content Member Card or Digital Coupon is delivered to and downloaded to the user's device, it will be activated and appear on the lock screen when the user arrives at a location associated with the mobile wallet content.
Click the Save button to attach the location to the mobile wallet. If you want to edit a location, click on the Edit button, or if you want to delete it, click on the Delete button.
The card style determines the maximum number of fields that can appear on the front of it:
- A mobile wallet pass can have a single Header field, up to 3 Main fields, up to 5 Back fields, and up to 10 Location fields.
This Apple technology standard allows Mobile Apps to listen for beacon signals and react accordingly. It will enable Mobile Apps to understand their position on a micro-local scale and deliver content to users based on location using Bluetooth Low Energy technology.
At the bottom of the Content Fields section, you can set up the iBeacons to be detected by your app. For this, you will need the UUID for the beacons you wish to detect and, optionally, the Major and Minor values if you deem them necessary, which depends on how the beacons are distributed in the area and how they are interrelated. You can configure Up to 10 iBeacons.

To start defining the iBeacons,
- Select the UUID entry and enter the UUID value
- If required, enter the Major and Minor values in their corresponding boxes
- Enter the text content in the corresponding box
- Repeat this process for as many iBeacons you need for your campaign by selecting Add and entering the next corresponding UUIDs, Major, Minor, and Text parameters.
Enter the UUID(s) for as many beacons you intend to detect, up to ten, with the corresponding Major and Minor values to ensure successful iBeacon detections. Only the UUID and Text fields are strictly mandatory, while the Major and Minor values can afford more granularity in the iBeacon detection process, given your beacon deployments.
The following figure shows a sample setup for two different beacon deployment strategies that address different beacon density scenarios. One addresses a metropolitan area deployment on the top and the other an in-store scenario.

The table entries can be edited or deleted using the Action icons at the end of each table entry.
Updated over 2 years ago