Message Content
In the Message step, in the context of Interactive campaigns, the Digital Customer Engagement platform will present the option that corresponds to the delivery channel you selected for your campaign. For example, if you selected SMS as your campaign engagement channel, the platform will present the configuration section that corresponds to configuring SMS as the engagement channel.
SMS as a participation channel is used the following campaigns:
E-Swipe Content
Digital Coupon
Raffle Giveaway
Web Trivia
Member Card
Web Polls & Surveys
Email as a participation channel is used the following campaigns:
E-Swipe Content
Digital Coupon
Web Trivia
Raffle Giveaway
Member Card
Web Polls & Surveys
- Geofence
SMS Message
In sending a message through SMS, there are four options to complete the message content:
The steps to add and personalize the message content are the following:
- Select one of the previously created templates at the top of the panel or create a message on the fly.
- Add a Link Tracker. Allows adding a URL that recipients can tap for a redirect to take place. For more information to add a link tracker to the SMS message body, go to the Link Tracker section.
The Link Tracker is available when sending a messaging campaign via SMS or RCS. However if you send an interactive campaign via SMS or RCS, the Link Tracker won't be available.
- Type the message directly into the SMS Message box.
In the lower section of the SMS Message box, it shows the message GSM 7 bit encoding format, a character counter, and number of messages to be sent to each recipient using the message that was entered., including the text of the personalized field. So you must be vigilant that the current max length to enter the message content is 160 characters. If the message content contains a total of 170 characters, the message will be segment and the channel will deliver 2 messages to each Recipient. That is, every time the total number of characters is exceeded, the SMS counter will be incremented.
- Add Personalized Fields (Placeholders). Messages can be personalized using placeholders in the message content. For more information on how to add personalized fields to the SMS message body and messages to be sent through Interactive Campaigns, go to the Message Personalization section.
For the case of the Web Trivia, Trivia, and Raffle Giveaway campaign promoted through SMS the platform will present the following configuration screen:

In the Message Content section, three messages tabs are presented:
- Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate. A Template can be selected to fast-forward the process, or it can be started from Scratch. And the personalized field that refers to the campaign link must be added to the message.
The Campaign Participation tab is not available for the Trivia campaign.
Prize Confirmation: This message is used to be delivered to all Campaign Winners as a Confirmation of their Prize. By Default, the Prize Confirmation message is disabled. To enable this message, click on the Activate toggle.
Once Activated, the Prize Confirmation Message is able to be configured. A Template can be selected to fast-forward the process, or it can be started from Scratch. And, It is required to add select personalized fields to the message.
No-win Message: This message is used to be delivered to all Campaign Losers. By Default, the No-win message is disabled. To enable this message, click on the Activate toggle. Once Activated, the No-win Message is able to be configured. A Template can be selected to fast-forward the process, or it can be started from Scratch.
Already Claimed: Once the prize has been already claimed, the message set up in this tab will be sent to the end user.
The Already Claimed tab is only available for Raffle Giveaway interactive campaign.
For the case of a Web Polls & Surveys campaign promoted through SMS the platform will present the following configuration screen:
In the Message Content section, two messages tabs are presented:
Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate. A Template can be selected to fast-forward the process, or it can be started from Scratch. And, It is required to add select personalized fields to the message.
Closure Message: you have the option to create a follow-up message after the participant has completed the poll. In its de facto state, is deactivated. Selecting the Activate toggle switch will allow it to be configured.
A Template can be selected to fast-forward the process, or it can be started from Scratch.
Email Message
When sending the message through Email, the message content used is created or selected.
With time, as you use the platform, you may create Email templates to which you can assign predefined platform categories. The View Templates by Category dropdown, located at the top-right corner, allows you to invoke these categorized templates to be reused.

No email templates are provided with the platform as they are industry, brand, and content-specific, but we provide flexibility to address most requirements, as you will see below.
In the main pane, you can select an existing Email Template, Upload an Email HTML file, or get creative and use the Email Editor to start content from Scratch.
The steps to add and personalize the message content are the following:
- Select one of the following methods to create the Email content:
- New: Create the Email Content from Scratch using the Email Editor by selecting the New card.

- Upload : Use an existing HTML file for the Email content, by selecting the Upload card.

- Continue : Continue editing the template you have created by selecting the Continue card.
- Add a Link Tracker button that allows the insertion of URLs that recipients can click for further actions. For more information to add a link tracker to the SMS message body, go to the Link Tracker section.
- Add Personalized Fields/Placeholders. Messages can be personalized using placeholders in the message content. For more information on how to add personalized fields to the Email message body and messages to be sent through Interactive Campaigns, go to the Message Personalization section.
For the case of the Web Trivia and Raffle Giveaway campaigns promoted through Email the platform will present the following configuration screen:

In the Message Content section, three messages tabs are presented:
Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate.
Independently of the option chosen to create the invitation message, you will be taken to an email editor screen with an array of tools to tailor the email and fine-tune it to your needs. And, it is required to add select personalized fields to the message.
Prize Confirmation: This message is used to be delivered to all Campaign Winners as a Confirmation of their Prize. By Default, the Prize Confirmation message is disabled. To enable this message, click on the Activate toggle.
Once Activated, the Prize Confirmation Message is able to be configured. Independently of the option chosen to create the invitation message, you will be taken to an email editor screen with an array of tools to tailor the email and fine-tune it to your needs. And, It is required to add select personalized fields to the message.
No-win Message: This message is used to be delivered to all Campaign Losers.
By Default, the No-win message is disabled. To enable this message, click on the Activate toggle. Independently of the option chosen to create the invitation message, you will be taken to an email editor screen with an array of tools to tailor the email and fine-tune it to your needs.
Already Claimed: Once the prize has been already claimed, the message set up in this tab will be sent to the end user.
The Already Claimed tab is only available for Raffle Giveaway interactive campaign.
For the case of the Web Polls & Surveys campaign promoted through Email the platform will present the following configuration screen:
In the Message Content section, two messages tabs are presented:
Campaign Participation: this is the message that is delivered to all Campaign Recipients inviting them to participate.
To enable this message, click on the Activate toggle. Independently of the option chosen to create the invitation message, you will be taken to an email editor screen with an array of tools to tailor the email and fine-tune it to your needs. And, it is required to add select personalized fields to the message.
Closure Message: you have the option to create a follow-up message after the participant has completed the poll. In its de facto state, is deactivated. Selecting the Activate toggle switch will allow it to be configured.
By Default, the Prize Confirmation message is disabled. To enable this message, click on the Activate toggle. Independently of the option chosen to create the invitation message, you will be taken to an email editor screen with an array of tools to tailor the email and fine-tune it to your needs.
Push Message
When sending the message through Push notification, the message content used is composed of 4 types of Push notifications:
To learn more about the message content for each type of push notification go to the Push campaign section.
RCS Message
Sending the message through RCS, there are three options for selecting the content:
The steps to add and personalize the message content are the following:
- Select one of the predefined templates at the top of the panel.
- Add a Link Tracker button that allows the insertion of URLs that recipients can click for further actions. For more information to add a link tracker to the SMS message body, go to the Link Tracker section.
The Link Tracker is available when sending the message via SMS or RCS. If you send any campaign via SMS or RCS, the Link Tracker won't be available.
- Type the message directly into the SMS Message box.
The lower section of the SMS Message box will indicate the message Encoding Format, Character Count, and Number of Messages to be sent to each Recipient using that message Length.
The current maximum message length is 160 characters. If the message content contains a total of 170 characters, 2 messages will be delivered to each Recipient. That is, every time the number of characters exceeds the 160 SMS maximum, or a multiple of it, two or more messages will be delivered, and the SMS counter will reflect the number of messages that will be required to deliver the whole message.
- Add Personalized Fields/Placeholders. Messages can be personalized using Place Holders in the message content. For more information to add personalized fields to the SMS message body and messages that were sent through Interactive Campaigns, go to the Personalized Fields/Placeholders section.
Updated about 1 year ago