Trivia is a type of game in which a participant is asked questions about different topics and he has to get as many correct answers as possible to get a prize!
Trivia allows brands and marketers to create single or multi-questions text message trivia games. The end users can participate by sending in a keyword or answer to the first question of the quiz as posted online, on TV, or live event. That is, Trivia arrives as a message encouraging customers to enter a competition for a prize (like international minutes).
Our Trivia game is fun and easy to play. It helps you generate brand interaction and increase traffic. Messaging Quizzes are perfect solutions for digital marketing, live events, or engaging customers.
For example, the participant texts the keyword (e.g., MOVIE) and receives a trivia question. In Code Prompt mode, a different trivia question can be returned each time the participant plays the game.
A Trivia campaign set up involves the following steps,
- Delivery
- Trivia
- Logic
- Message
- Summary
In the Delivery step you define the Delivery Channel and the campaign Recipients.
Currently, three delivery channels are available for Trivia campaign:
For more information to select the desired delivery channel go to the Delivery section.
For information on selecting the recipients, go to Define Recipients in the Campaign Elements section.
_Trivia _is the second step of the Trivia Content Campaign. In this step, the trivia content is configured. Set the trivia content with questions to test your readers on how much they actually know about whatever topic(s) your content is about.
From the Auxiliary Messages section, configure the desired messages that will be sent to the participants when they start interacting with the trivia.
There are three types of messages you can set in the SMS Trivia: Welcome Message, Feedback Messages, Auxiliary Message.
- Welcome Message: Set the welcome message for the trivia. This message will be displayed before starting the trivia.

When the participant sends the predefined keyword, the platform will respond with the Welcome Message contents which should, ideally, give instructions of how to play the trivia. This is the first message a participant will receive before actually entering the trivia.
From the Trigger Keywords section, define your own keywords for your campaign. That is, set the keywords to trigger Campaign Participation.
For example, when the participant sends the PlayTrivia keyword (Trigger Keyword) to the short code 8080, the first question will be displayed.
The Welcome Message does not apply for Trivia campaigns when Keywords are used as the entry point to the campaign.
- Feedback Messages: Set the response messages when the participant answers a trivia question correctly or incorrectly.
- Auxiliary Message: If you wish to set an auxiliary message when the participant texts specific keywords, select Add Message located under the Feedback Messages. You can also enter an URL to redirect your participants to your site and provide additional help.

Select Delete Message to eliminate the auxiliary message.
Once the welcome and response messages have been configured, we proceed to define the trivia questions.
From the Trivia Content section, enter the number of questions to be displayed to the participant.
The number of Trivia Questions can be greater than Pool Questions. That is, from the Number of Trivia Questions field set the number of Trivia questions you desire to display once the participant begins the trivia although you have created more trivia questions.
Each question will be randomly displayed once the participant has started the trivia if you click on the Randomize questions for Players toggle.
Otherwise, each question will be displayed according to the order in which they were added to the trivia.
From the Question Pool section, add single select questions with their respective answers (options).
Single select questions are the questions where a respondent is asked to pick only one correct answer, from a predetermined set of responses of at least two or more options.
The steps to add a single question with their respective answers are the following :
Type a new question that will be added to the Trivia.
Select the desired Prefix to answer the question: Numbers or Letters.
Numbers: Each answer option is associated with a number as a prefix.
For example, each question has three answer options and each option has an associated number prefix. Therefore, if the participant selects option number 2, he must enter the number "2".
Letters: Each answer option is associated with a letter as a prefix.
For example, each question has three answer options and each option has an associated letter prefix. Therefore, if the participant selects option letter C , he must enter the letter "C".
Type the answer of the question.
Select the correct answer by clicking on the Correct check mark located next to the answer.
If you desire to add a new answer, select the Add Answer button.
Select the Add Question button to add a new question.
Upload CSV
You will be able to add multiple Questions to the trivia by clicking on the Upload.CSV checkmark.
Before uploading the .CSV file, you should take under consideration these instructions to add multiple questions to the file:
Use the first column to add the desired multiple questions.
The second column must indicate the correct answer to the question you added earlier in the first column.
The column B corresponds to the position of the correct keyword.
For example, the number 1 located in column B, tells us that Rome is the correct answer, because it is in position 1. That is, column C contains three possible answer options:
1; Rom
2; Mad
Each option contains one or more keywords the user can enter to answer the question. Each option is separated by a single vertical bar character "|", which allows us to know the position of the correct answer.
Option “1; Rom” is in position 1.
Option “2;Mad” is in position 2.
Option “3;Mia” is in position 3.
Therefore, the option “1;Rom” is the correct answer and is located in the position 1. For this reason, the number 1 corresponding to the position of the correct option is written in column B.
In the previous example, Column "C" corresponds to the options or keywords the participant can enter to answer the question. For example, the question has three answer options. Each option is separated by a single vertical character "|".
In each answer option, set one or more keywords that the user must enter to answer the question. Each keyword is separated by a single semicolon character ";".
The columns D, E and F are intended for the options that will be displayed to the participant.
Once you have finished defining the multiple questions with their respective answers, save the .CSV file as a new one.
Dont add a header or title to your .CSV columns
Don't forget to mark the correct answer for each question.
Be sure to save the file in .CSV format.
The steps to upload the .CSV file which contains the multiple questions once selected the Upload.CSV checkmark are the following :
Drag & Drop the .CSV file to the specified area on the screen or click the Browse Files button to select the file from the computer.
Once you have uploaded the CSV file, the Field Preview screen will be displayed to match the uploaded file’s Columns to the Question and Answer List Fields. That is, when a CSV file has been uploaded to Add Questions with their respective answers, the Columns that exist in the uploaded file are matched with the Question and Answers Fields in the platform.
In this section, the Mobile Trivia Composer allows you to view the Questions and Answers you added to the Trivia.
In the following example, we mark out each question and answer added to the Trivia.
‘Logic’ is the third step of the SMS Trivia Campaign. In this step, the Trivia prize awarding scheme is configured, involving setting up the three sections of Prize Configuration:
- The percentage of correct answers to win a prize,
- The Prize Logic, and
- The Prizes.
For a participant to win a prize it needs to answer correctly at least the number of questions that represents the percentage entered in the following figure.
Ensure that the percentage entered is in line with the expected number of correct answers.
The next step is to configure the Trivia Logic to distribute the Prizes to Participants. You can find the detailed description on how to configure the prize logic and campaign prizes in the Prize Configuration section under Prize Logic and Prizes respectively.
‘Message’ is the fourth step of the SMS Trivia Campaign.
In this step, the messages that will be delivered to the participants who answered the trivia correctly or incorrectly are configured.
For more information about the message's Content and personalized fields configuration, go to the Message Content and Message Personalization section.
Once all the message details have been addressed, move on to Summary by clicking on Next.
‘Summary’ is the fifth step of the SMS Trivia Campaign.
This will review and display the configured Campaign Details and set the desired activation time.
For more information about the Summary step settings, go to Summary in the Campaign Elements section.
When you deliver the Campaign you can view the data and analytics (Report) by going to the Interactive Campaign Reports section.
Updated over 1 year ago