Participants tab
Within the Interactive Campaigns Reports, you will find the Participants tab which leads you to a section of the report that shows the engagement performance details of the campaign on a per user basis. In addition of giving you the capability to segment and targeting based on the user’s degree of participation in your campaign, there is also the possibility to enhance participation through additional winning options that can be periodically scheduled among selected users for most of the platform's interactive campaigns.
The Participant's tab comes in two variants. Basic which is associated with Polls and Surveys, and Basic with Prize enhancements which is associated with the rest of the Interactive campaigns that include the possibility to deliver prizes, which excludes Geofencing and Subscription Form.
Both have the common foundation of
• A Participant's table, that shows the participants and their campaign interaction received through the campaign.
While the Prize enhanced version has two added components:
• A Scheduled Winner Selection section: shows a customizable scheduled for awarding prizes, and
• A Winner Selection Log section: Selected winners from your Campaign Participants
This is shown in the figure below.

In the table that holds the participants, the following data is shown:
ID: either the mobile phone number or the email address of the subscriber.
Participant’s Last Activity: when the was the last time the subscriber interacted with the platform through this campaign.
Status: refers to the participation in the campaign Participant, Participant* or Non-Participant.
Non-Participant: Subscriber that has not played any round.
*Participant**: Subscriber that has played and finished some rounds but has some others still unfinished. The special case of Participant is one where the user did not complete the steps of the engagement offered in the campaign.
Participant: Subscriber who has interacted with the campaign at least once.
Each campaign has a different meaning of participation. That is, depending on the type of campaign and its interaction, the subscriber will be considered as a participant, as shown in the following table:
Campaign Type | Participation Description |
Web Trivia | Subscriber clicks on the "start" or "begin trivia" button once he/she has selected the campaign link. |
Web Polls & Surveys | Subscriber clicks on the "begin Poll / Survey" button once he/she has selected the campaign link. |
Raffle Giveaway | Subscriber interacts with the reveal content or time out of the campaign. |
Digital Coupon | Subscriber clicks on the campaign link that contains the coupon. |
Member Card | Subscriber clicks the 'Add' button to add the card to his wallet. |
SMS Trivia | Subscriber sends a MO keyword to begin the trivia. |
SMS Polls & Surveys | Subscriber sends a MO keyword to begin the survey. |
E-Swipe | Subscriber clicks on the campaign link. |
- Participations: refers to the number of times the user has participated in the campaign.
Also, within the Participants section there is a search function that allows you carry out searches based on any of the table’s column headings. The default value is set to search by ID, but it can be changed through the kebab menu to its left for any of the other headings.
Click the kebab menu and the search popup window will be displayed. Clicking the dropdown menu will result in the following:
Upon selecting the option you are going to search by, the entries into the Search will be restricted to the data type of the selected search option. In other words, if you select to search by Participant Last Activity, you can only enter a date. Once a Search is performed on an option, the table will only show the entries in the table that satisfy the search criteria.
Through the Re-engage Participants, located in the top right corner, you can create participant segments, for further engagement activities on that new segment. Upon clicking it, a popup window appears,

It shows the default setup configuration of
• Alias set to Non-participant List 02/03/2021,
• Non-participant radio button selected, and
• The current date on the calendar options From and To.
All of those fields are modifiable to address your requirements of segmentation. Whatever configuration you decide for re-engagement, will become selectable for follow-up or future broadcast use as the segment will appear as an option in the Segment under the Recipients step during campaign configurations.
For example, let us say you decide to further reward those users that did participate in a given campaign on the December 2nd, 2021. An example of your segmentation setup could be as follows:

Through this action you have created a user segment called MOVIE TRIVIA Participants Dec 2nd 2021 and it will show up as a selectable option in multiple places as it is now a segment to be used on other campaigns as would be any other existing segment in the platform. An example of this is shown for an SMS Broadcast where at the Segment dropdown menu shows the Movie Trivia Participants Dec 2nd 2021 segment as one of the available options.

Having created the segment of interest, you are ready to use it in the follow up action that corresponds to your campaign design.
Another option to notice, at the bottom section of the Participants table, you’ll find a time stamp of when the contents of the table was last updated, and selecting Refresh Log can update the table, as its contents are dynamic in nature and campaign participation is an ongoing activity to be continuously monitored and reported.
Scheduled Winner Selection
The Scheduled Winner Selection section reflects the policy of awarding prizes to users that have participated in a campaign. It is to be implemented as an extension of an ongoing campaign to offer rewards above the standard prizes found in the normal campaign flow. The configuration is done through Select a Winner, located at the bottom right corner of the Participants table.
It is through Select a winner that the Schedule Winner Selection section is configured. Upon clicking Select a winner a configuration dialog box appears as shown in the following figure.
The box has elements that define number of awards, dates or instances in which they are awarded, where to extract the potential winners from, giving you the flexibility to configure it to suit your needs.
Here is how the elements of the configuration are broken down.
- Number of Winners represents how many winners are going to be selected.
- Date, Hour and Minutes fields defines the when the winners are going to be selected.
- Select participants has the option to select winners from the entire duration of the campaign or restrict it by specifying a date range from which winners are going to be selected from.
Winner Selection Log
The Winner Selection Log displays the winners in a table with four columns, configured as follows.
• #: represents a sequence number or the number of winners that have been registered under the log.
• ID: represents the selected winner based on his identity within the platform which can either be a phone number or an email.
• Campaign Start
• Selected Winner: represents the date and time when the winner was selected by the platform.
As winners are selected, they are placed in the table, with the latest winner being at the top of the entries, that is, in a reverse chronological order.
Updated about 17 hours ago