Initial Setup & User Engagement

Prior to initiating the use of Live Chat, it's essential to go through a few straightforward prerequisites that will enable its activation and performance .

Activate Live Chat feature

The first step is to contact our support team to enable the Live Chat feature from the digital engagement platform.

To proceed, please provide us the name of the space where you want to activate the live chat feature and specify the total number of agents who will be available in the Live Chat.



To know the details and conditions to follow about the channels available for Live Chat, please refer to the Live Chat Access Conditions and User Engagement section.

After enabling live chat, you can access it via the following URL:

Only Admins will have the Live Chat feature located on the digital participation platform enabled.

Send Invitation to Agents

After enabling the Live Chat feature, the second step is to send invitations to the agents who will assist the customers.

There are two methods for adding agents to live chat: either by supplying the support team with information for each agent (such as name, email address, and phone number) or by sending the invitation to the agents from the Digital Engagement Platform.

If you opt to send the invitation to each agent through the Digital Engagement Platform, go to the Preferences section. Then click on the Users tab and select the Invite User button.

Once selected, an invitation form will be displayed. Here type the personal information (Name, Email, Phone Number, Role) of each agent you want to invite to the Live Chat.

For each agent you are going to invite, select the Add More button.



Please note that you can send the invitation to a specific number of agents, as requested by the total agents you specified to add to the Live Chat in the previous step. If you want to increase the number of agents, please contact the support team.



For each agent you want to include and send the invitation , select the Agent option, from the Role dropdown menu. Additionally, a counter will be displayed on the right side, indicating the total number of available agents remaining to send the invitation. That is, for each agent added, the counter will decrease.

When you finish adding the agents, you won't be able to add more. Unless you request the support team to add an increased number of agents to the live chat.

Click on the Send button to send the invitations to the agents. Each agent who accepts the invitation will be displayed in the Active Members table.

In both Invitation Agent methods, the agents will receive an email notification indicating that they were assigned as an Agent to a certain Space.

The agent selects the Complete Account Registration button and must enter the email to which the invitation was sent and set a password for accessing the live chat.

Finally, the Agent clicks on the Sign up button and will be redirected to the Live Chat platform.

Upon activation of the Live Chat feature, the support team will provide you the URL” for direct access to the live chat. As admin, copy and paste the URL to your browser. Then, enter the email and password you use to log in to the space to access the Live Chat.

Furthermore, the Live Chat feature icon will be enabled on the Digital Engagement Platform.



  • Only the admin can access the Live Chat and the Digital Engagement Platform simultaneously.
  • Agents cannot access the Digital Engagement Platform, only Live Chat.
  • The admin can use the same credentials (email and password) of the space to log in to the Live Chat.

Live Chat Access Conditions and User Engagement

To better comprehend the live chat functionality and its setup once activated, it's important to consider the following points before getting started.

  1. There are just two ways for an end user to reach a live chat agent:

  • Creating and configuring a chatbot campaign that redirects the end user to the agent.

    To know how to setting up a chatbot campaign and integrating it with the Live Chat, please refer to the Integrate Chatbot with Live Chat section.

  • Enable the exclusive use of bidirectional SMS or WhatsApp type senders for Live Chat, permitting the end user to directly engage with the agent without the need to set up a chatbot beforehand. Therefore, every incoming message will be redirected to the live chat.

    For guidance on activating the Live Chat option to use a sender type exclusively for live chat, please refer to the Live Chat Access section.

  1. The channels are set up at the platform level, meaning that during the configuration of a space, you specify to the support team the types of channels you desire to include. These channels will be accessible for all interactive and messaging campaigns; they are not designated for exclusive use with a specific campaign or the live chat feature.

    Live Chat supports only two channels: SMS and WhatsApp. Each channel must enable bidirectional (MT/MO) communication.

    For instance, when configuring a chatbot-type campaign, within the Delivery Channels section, you have the option to choose the channel type (SMS or WhatsApp) and the sender through which the end user will communicate with the chatbot and the agent of the live chat. Meaning that the communication between the end user, the chatbot, and the agent occurs through the same chosen channel and sender.

  2. It is no available to trigger a live chat directly through keywords. The sole method to initiate a live chat via keywords involves setting up a chatbot-type campaign first. Within the "Delivery Channels" section, you can input keywords that trigger the chatbot. Following this, in the "Interactions" section during the chatbot flow configuration, you can specify a keyword that redirects the user to the live chat agent.