Contact Data

Knowing the contact data of a user is helpful for:

  • Personalization: Access to contact data allows for a more personalized interaction with the user. This could include addressing them by name and tailoring responses based on their specific information.
  • Issue Resolution: Having contact details enables the support team to efficiently resolve issues. It allows for follow-up questions, clarification, and a better understanding of the user's needs.
  • Proactive Assistance: With contact information, support teams can reach out to users proactively. For instance, if a user faced an issue previously, the team can initiate contact to ensure that the problem has been resolved.

It's essential, however, to handle contact data responsibly and in accordance with privacy regulations to maintain trust and compliance.

Before you can benefit from using contact data information, you’ll need to select the fields that are most useful for you. For that, navigate to the Preferences section, then select the GENERAL dropdown menu, and click on the Contact data section.

Follow the steps below to set up Contact Data fields:

  1. From the Fields Visibility dropdown menu, select the desired contact fields. These fields displayed are the columns located in the Subscriber List that contain the user's contact information.

    Each selected field will be listed in the following table:

    In case you want to remove a contact data field, uncheck the field you want to remove from the Fields Visibility dropdown menu.



    The contact data fields selected will be displayed in the Details panel.

  2. Select the fields that you want to be non-editable and only readable in the Details panel. Otherwise, select the fields that you want to be editable. This allows agents to manually enter user information from the Details panel. At least, click on the Save button.

    In this example, the Email field is editable and the Mobile field is not. Therefore, when the conversation starts, you can enter the customer's email from the Details panel.