Polls & Surveys
Polls and Surveys allow you to collect data in research areas you are interested for your business. They are one of the most cost-effective techniques of data collection where you can obtain information on a wide range of items, personal facts, attitudes, habits, opinions, etc. Coupling this technique with SMS, RCS or WhatsApp, allows you to further increase their effectiveness, and that is what this type of campaign offers you.
After selecting New Campaign, entering the Campaign Name and selecting Polls & Surveys from the campaign options, you are brought to the Polls & Surveys campaign creation section, that has the following steps,
- Delivery
- Poll
- Summary
In the Delivery step you define the Delivery Channel and the campaign Recipients.
Currently, three delivery channels are available for Polls & Surveys campaign:
For more information to select the desired delivery channel go to the Delivery section.
For information on selecting the recipients, go to Define Recipients in the Campaign Elements section.
The Poll setup screen has the following elements:
Keyword Interactions and Replies section is where the polling questions will be setup including,
• Invitation message
• Questions
• Closure Message
And a preview screen that shows what the user will view on his screen as she/he receives the messages and poll questions from the platform.
Invitaton Message
The Invitation Message can serve as the campaign trigger to request poll participation in the event that the poll is purely SMS driven, this is, only targeted recipients of this message will be aware of the Poll. In other words, the poll has been set up exclusively by invitation.
This does not need to be necessarily the case, because as part of your poll campaign, its existence could be made available to a general audience by spreading awareness of it by alternative channels; posters, billboards, airwaves, increasing poll participation through the use of keywords.

The Invitation Message does not apply for campaigns when keywords are used as the entry point in the "Recipients" options.
- Enter the invitation message.
Trigger Keywords
Trigger Keywords are those that invoke the poll to be delivered to the participants. Upon their reception by the platform, it will begin delivering the poll questionnaire to the participant from which the keyword was received, thus initiating the poll.
You enter the Trigger keyword or keywords in the area provided at the bottom. These keywords will be included in the Invitation Message as they are the mechanism by which to gain access to the poll and you can see this reflected in the preview screen to the right.
- Enter the trigger keyword or keywords of the poll campaign.
The questions section gives you three question types to choose from.
• Questions that require a Yes or No answer, (dichotomous or polar questions).
• Keyword Response
• Multiple Choice
• A Question message box for entering the question, and the message must adhere to the same constraints as the channel that is being used SMS, RCS or WhatsApp.
• And at the bottom, an area for specifying the answers that depends on the type of question being posed.
SInce there are three types of questions that the poll could include, this bottom area has conditioned variants, reflected in the following graphic, with descriptions for the three options.

- Enter your campaigns questions using the criteria outlined in the graphic for the different types of questions that make up the poll.
As the default setting for the poll has one question, at the very bottom of the Keyword Interactions and Replies section you’ll find Add Question to include more questions to your poll. All the question programing options will be available as described above so you can build polls with any mix of question types into it.
Closure Message
The Closure Message is meant to be used to show appreciation to the poll respondent after completing the poll, and it will be sent after the last question of the poll is answered.
This concludes the poll setup. You can review it in its totality on the simulated screen on the right, by clicking the arrows in the bottom to navigate through the different sections.
- Select Next
The Summary step is where you take the final actions on your Polls & Surveys campaign, and have a chance to review some of the salient aspects.
The summary step consists of the following elements:
Delivery Channel: Type of channel (SMS, WhatsApp, RCS) through which the campaign was sent.
Sender: According to the sender type selected during campaign setup is used as the sender of the notification message.
Remember, each delivery channel has its own sender type ( Sender number [SMS], Sender WhatsApp Business Account [WhatsApp], RCS [Agent] ).
Components: Type of components of which the interactive campaign is composed: Campaign type.
Recipients: Number of Recipients who will receive the campaign.
Applied Filter: Filter type applied.
Cmpaign Expiration: Configured date on which the campaign will expire.
Throttle Configuration: Set through the slider, the rate at which the messages will be sent.
Campaign Activation: Set the campaign delivery date (Live [Available if you set as delivery channel the SMS [Keyword] or WhatsApp [Keyword]), Now, Schedule, Save As Draft).
For more information about the Summary step settings, go to Summary in the Campaign Elements section.
When you deliver the Campaign you can view the data and analytics (Report) by going to the Interactive Campaign Reports section.
Updated about 1 year ago