Push Notifications Status

Push notification StatusDescription
SENTThe notification has been sent successfully.
DEQUEUEDThe notification has been dequeued.It is being prepared to send.
AUTH_MISSINGThe credential is not registered.
EXHAUSTEDRetry limit exceeded.
NOT_SENTNotification could not be sent.
BAD_DEVICE_TOKENThe device token is invalid.
BAD_PLATFORMAn invalid platform attempted to send a notification.
AUTH_ERRORThe server encountered an error in the credential while trying to process the request.
PAYLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe message payload exceeds the limits.
INVALID_MESSAGEThe notification contains invalid parameters.
DEVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDEDToo many notifications have been sent consecutively to the same device token.
SERVER_UNAVAILABLEThe server could not process the request in time.
SERVER_ERRORThe server encountered an error while trying to process the request.
UNREGISTEREDThe device token is unregistered or inactive.
NOT_CONTEMPLATED_ERRORThere was an unexpected error, it is an unacknowledged error.
MISMATCHED_TOKENThe credential does not have the permission to send messages to the device token.
INCOMPLETEA personalized Push message has been sent but the placeholder information is empty . Remember, a personalized message is a message that includes placeholders (dynamic fields) such as "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", among others.