Message Status

This section presents the message states while being processed by the Digital Customer Engagement platform and APIs, or carrier in the emission of campaigns, and their descriptions, for:

When a message is processed by the platform or API to be sent, it will progress through different steps, reflecting either a final outcome or a transient state.

SMS Status

Status for Outbound Messages

When sending outbound messages, the following represents a common sequence of status values:

QUEUEMessangi has received your request to create the message.

indicates that the message has been scheduled for sending but has not yet been sent out. This status means the message is waiting in line to be processed and delivered to the recipient. It's essentially in a holding pattern, queued up in our system until it can be dispatched.
DEQUEUEDMessangi Indicates that the message has been removed from the queue and is now being processed for sending. This transition occurs after the message was previously in a waiting state (queued) and is now actively being sent to the mobile operator.
CODE_NOT_ALLOWEDMessangi suggests that the sender used is either not activated on the platform or lacks the capability to message the recipient. Additionally, it could be because the owner does not have a sender (short code or long code) assigned , which is required to send the message.

Contact our support team to verify the Sender.
INCOMPLETEWhen a message exceeds the maximum character limit (160 characters for 7-bit encoding and 70 characters for Unicode), it is segmented. This status applies to messages that have been segmented and for which we do not yet have the status of each segment.
BLACKLISTEDMessangi indicates that the intended recipient's phone number is on a blacklist, preventing any messages from being sent to that number.

When a number is blacklisted, it is essentially blocked from receiving any further communications from the sender's number or campaign, ensuring that no messages are delivered to that recipient.
SEGMENTS_EXCEEDEDThis status indicates that the number of permissible segments has been surpassed. This occurs when the message exceeds the 160-character limit per segment, therefore the the message cannot be sent.

To resolve this issue, ensure that your SMS messages do not exceed 1600 characters to avoid reaching the segment limit.
SENTIndicates that the message has been successfully dispatched from our system and is en route to the mobile operator. This status means that the message is on its way to the recipient but does not confirm that the message has been delivered to the recipient's device. It signifies a successful handoff to the next stage in the message delivery process.



The platform considers Transit states those after the message has been sent to the carrier but it has had no response as to the message's outcome. It is a temporary state that should eventually result on a final outcome.

Status for Completed Messages

Once the message is sent, nine potential final statuses can be achieved:

ENROUTEMessangi indicates that the message has been successfully sent from the sending system and is currently being enroute to the mobile operator.
INVALID_ROUTINGIndicates that the message cannot be delivered because the destination number is not recognized by the network. That is, the recipient’ phone number or route is invalid, preventing successful transmission.
ACCEPTD Indicates that the mobile operator has acknowledged the message and has accepted it for delivery to the recipient's device. This does not guarantee that the message has been delivered to the end user yet, but it signifies that the mobile operator has taken responsibility for delivering the message to the recipient's device.
DELIVRDMessangi has received confirmation of message delivery from the mobile operator.

The message has successfully reached the recipient's device. This status confirms that the message not only was sent and processed by the mobile operator but also was received by the intended recipient's phone, ensuring that the communication was successfully completed.
REJECTDIndicates that the message was not accepted by the mobile operator and therefore was not delivered.

This rejection can occur for several reasons, such as the recipient's number being invalid, the phone being out of service, the message content violating network policies, or other technical issues preventing delivery. Essentially, it means the attempt to deliver the message was unsuccessful, and the message did not reach the intended recipient.
UNDELIVIndicates that the mobile operator could not deliver the message to the recipient's device.

This status can result from various issues such as the recipient's phone being switched off, network problems, or the recipient's phone number being incorrect or no longer in service.
EXPIREDIndicates that the message was not delivered to the recipient within a certain timeframe set by the mobile operator. After this period, the message is no longer attempted to be delivered.

Possible reasons for a message expiring can include prolonged network issues, the recipient's phone being off or out of service area for an extended time, or other delivery failures.
DELETEDIndicates that the message was removed by the mobile operator before it could be delivered to the recipient.
UNKNOWNIndicates that the delivery status of the message cannot be confirmed or determined by the mobile operator.

This status can occur for various reasons, such as communication issues between the sending and receiving networks or system errors. Essentially, it means that the system is unable to verify whether the message was successfully delivered, failed to deliver, or is still in the process of being sent.

WhatsApp Status

Status for Outbound Messages

When sending outbound messages, the following represents a common sequence of status values:

QUEUEMessangi has received your request to create the message.

Indicates that the message has been scheduled for sending but has not yet been sent out. This status means the message is waiting in line to be processed and delivered to the recipient. It's essentially in a holding pattern, queued up in our system until it can be dispatched.
DEQUEUEDMessangi Indicates that the message has been removed from the queue and is now being processed for sending. This transition occurs after the message was previously in a waiting state (queued) and is now actively being sent to META.
CODE_NOT_ALLOWEDMessangi suggests that the WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) used is either not activated on the platform or lacks the capability to message the recipient. Additionally, it could be because the owner does not have a WABA assigned , which is required to send the message.

Contact our support team to verify the WABA.
INCOMPLETEMessangi indicates that a personalized WhatsApp message was sent without the necessary placeholder data filled in.

Please note, personalized messages are those that feature dynamic fields—like "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", and similar—which need to be populated before sending.
BLACKLISTEDMessangi indicates that the intended recipient's phone number is on a blacklist, preventing any messages from being sent to that number.

When a number is blacklisted, it is essentially blocked from receiving any further communications from the sender's number or campaign, ensuring that no messages are delivered to that recipient.
QUOTA_EXCEEDEDThe WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) has surpassed the allowed limit for sending messages within a specified period, as defined by WhatsApp's messaging policies or limits.
SENTIndicates that the message has been successfully dispatched from our system and is en route to META. This status means that the message is on its way to the recipient but does not confirm that the message has been delivered to the end user. It signifies a successful handoff to the next stage in the message delivery process.

Status for Completed Messages

Once the message is sent, nine potential final statuses can be achieved:

DELIVRDMessangi has received confirmation of message delivery from META.

The message has successfully reached the recipient's device. This status confirms that the message not only was sent and processed by META but also was received by the intended recipient's WhatsApp application, ensuring that the communication was successfully completed.
READIndicates that the recipient has opened and seen the message.
FAILEDIndicates that META could not deliver the message to the recipient's device.

Possible Reasons for WhatsApp "FAILED" status:

- Network issues: This could include an unstable internet connection on the sender's or recipient's end, or issues with the WhatsApp servers.

- Incorrect phone number: If the recipient's phone number is incorrect or not registered on WhatsApp, the message will fail to send.

- Blocked contact: If the recipient has blocked the sender's number, the message will not be delivered.

- Content restrictions: WhatsApp has restrictions on the type of content that can be sent through the platform. If a message contains content that violates these restrictions, it will be blocked.- 24-hour rule: If a user hasn't interacted with a business in the past 24 hours, non template messages from that business will be marked as spam and won't be delivered.

Email Statuses

Email Message StatusDescription
DEQUEUEDThe Email has been dequeued. It is being prepared to be sent.
NOT_SENTThe notification has not been sent.
BAD_TOInvalid To parameter.
BAD_FROMInvalid From parameter.
BLACKLISTEDThe email is blacklisted.
BLOCKED_DUE_BAD_BEHAVIOURRecipient temporarily blocked.
SENTEmail message was sent.
EXHAUSTEDRetry limit exceeded.
BOUNCED_PERMANENTRecipient blocked.
BOUNCEDThe email was rejected.
COMPLAINEDRecipient marked the email as spam.
OPENRecipient opened the email.
CLICKRecipient interacted with the email.
INCOMPLETEA personalized Email message has been sent but the placeholder information is empty . Remember, a personalized message is a message that includes placeholders (dynamic fields) such as "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", among others.

Push notification Statuses

Push notification StatusDescription
SENTThe notification has been sent successfully.
DEQUEUEDThe notification has been dequeued.It is being prepared to send.
AUTH_MISSINGThe credential is not registered.
EXHAUSTEDRetry limit exceeded.
NOT_SENTNotification could not be sent.
BAD_DEVICE_TOKENThe device token is invalid.
BAD_PLATFORMAn invalid platform attempted to send a notification.
AUTH_ERRORThe server encountered an error in the credential while trying to process the request.
PAYLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe message payload exceeds the limits.
INVALID_MESSAGEThe notification contains invalid parameters.
DEVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDEDToo many notifications have been sent consecutively to the same device token.
SERVER_UNAVAILABLEThe server could not process the request in time.
SERVER_ERRORThe server encountered an error while trying to process the request.
UNREGISTEREDThe device token is unregistered or inactive.
NOT_CONTEMPLATED_ERRORThere was an unexpected error, it is an unacknowledged error.
MISMATCHED_TOKENThe credential does not have the permission to send messages to the device token.
INCOMPLETEA personalized Push message has been sent but the placeholder information is empty . Remember, a personalized message is a message that includes placeholders (dynamic fields) such as "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", among others.

RCS Statuses

RCS Message StatusDescription
SENTA generated RCS Id was obtained and the message was sent.
DELIVEREDMessage was delivered to the recipient's device .
READMessage has been opened or acknowledged by the recipient.
FALLBACKMessage could not be generated by the RBM platform and some other delivery method will be used (this status is final).
NOT_SENTMessage delivery failed.
INCOMPLETEA personalized RCS message has been sent but the placeholder information is empty . Remember, a personalized message is a message that includes placeholders (dynamic fields) such as "Name", "Phone Number", "Last Name", among others.