Metadata section

The Metadata section is where you to define the message category, name, and languages used in it.


The message categories, are the standard message categories supported by WhatsApp: Authentication, Marketing, and Utility.

The categories are used to identify the purpose of the template in WhatsApp’s approval process. Be sure that the contents of the message template and the category you select are aligned and reflect the intended purpose.

In case you want to create an Authentication template, go to the Personalize Authentication Template section once you have configured the MetaData section.



By sliding the toggle to the right, you authorize META to change the category type if necessary. Costs may vary for the new category.


The template name is used to identify it from other templates in the Templates section, can be up to 250 characters in length, and is restricted to lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.


Here you select the languages that the messages will be sent in: English, Spanish, and Portuguese (for Brazil and Portugal) from the dropdown menu. You can pick any combination of languages for your template and each will be subjected to approval separately.

Templates with multiple languages will appear as a single template in the Template section pane depicting the language(s) and their approval status for each language. The approval status of the template is color-coded as shown below including the language to which it applies.

The next step is personalize the WhatsApp Template.