Performance tab
The performance of the campaign is given by the total of SMS / Email messages that were delivered to end users (SMS/Email Sent), the total number of played interactions carried out by end users in the interactive campaign (Played Interactive Content), the total of clicks that the ShortURL of the interactive campaign has received from the end users (Opened URL Link), among other actions depending of the selected interactive campaign where the performance funnel is available.

The following table lists each available performance parameter based on the selected interactive campaign report and its description:
Action | Description | Interactive Campaign Location |
SMS/Email Sent | Total number of messages that were sent to end users according to the selected delivery channel (SMS or Email). | E-Swipe Web Trivia Digital Coupon Raffle Giveaway Member Card |
Played Interactive Content | Total number of unique played interactions carried out by end users in the interactive campaign. For E-Swipe, the user swipes the page forward or backward. For Web Trivia, the end user has clicked on the Start button to begin the Trivia. For Raffle Giveaway, the end user has clicked to perform the following actions for each raffle: - Crack the Ice: Breaking the ice block. That is, the end user needs to tap on the screen to crack the ice. - Peel it: Peeling the paper sheet down. - Scratch Card: Scratching the card. The en user only needs to scratch 1 area open. - Spin: Clicking on the wheel image and the spinning effect will begin. - Slot Machine: Clicking on the slot machine image and the stepper reels will start to spin. | E-Swipe Web Trivia Raffle Giveaway |
Opened URL Link | Total number of unique clicks that the ShortURL of the interactive campaign has received from the end users. The user clicks on the ShortURL of the interactive campaign. | E-Swipe Web Trivia Raffle Giveaway |
Total Opens | Total number of clicks that the ShortURL of the interactive campaign has received from the end users. The user clicks on the ShortURL of the subscription form. | Subscription Form |
Clicked | Total number of successful forms received. | Subscription Form |
Subscribed | Total number of subscribers successfully added to the list after completing the interactive campaign form. | Subscription Form |
Assigned Prizes | Total number of assigned prizes to the end users. | Web Trivia Raffle Giveaway |
Total Passes Generated | For Digital Coupon and Member Card, total number of passes created. | Digital Coupon Member Card |
Total Passes Redeemed | Total number of passes claimed. | Digital Coupon |
Passes Added to Wallet | Total number of passes that have been added to the wallet (iOS or Apple) by end users. | Member Card |
For Digital Coupon campaign, it includes two main KPIs located at the top of the Performance tab:
Opened URL Link: Total number of unique clicks that the ShortURL of the interactive campaign has received from the end users.
The end user clicks on the ShortURL of the interactive campaign.
Redemption Rate: Determines the percentage (%) of successful passes claimed in the interactive campaign by end users.

For Member Card campaign, it includes one main KPI located at the top of the Performance tab:
Opened URL Link: Total number of unique clicks that the ShortURL of the interactive campaign has received from the end users.
The end user clicks on the ShortURL of the interactive campaign.

Updated almost 2 years ago