Messaging Campaign Reports
All Messaging campaigns -SMS, Email, Push notification, RCS, and WhatsApp- that have been completed will have a report generated to display Delivery metrics and analytics such as Delivery Date, Delivery Channel, and Status for each Campaign.
Access to all messaging campaign reports is done by selecting Report located at the far right of the campaign card as the sample shown in the following figure.
Upon selecting Report, the platform will display the report associated with the selected campaign card.
Once inside the report, the campaign card will be modified to look as follows.
All campaign report cards will follow this same format which is shown in its generic form for both
a) the external campaign report card shown in the Performance Reports pane, and
b) the internal campaign report card shown inside the report
Where the elements are
- Campaign name
- Sender; which represents the platform's designated entity involved in the delivery of the campaign.
- For SMS; Short code, Long code, phone number, or virtual route.
- For Email; the email address used in campaigns.
- For Push notifications: the app used in the notification.
- For RCS: the RCS account(s) set up in the platform.
- For WhatsApp: the WhatsApp account(s) set up in the platform.
- Campaign type and platform campaign ID, which is the same list as in the previous point accompanied by the campaign identification number given by the platform.
- Creation Date
- Delivery Date, and
- Recipients representing the intended campaign audience.
Similarly, all reports follow the same structure:
- A Campaign Report Card, and
- Four report tabs
- Performance
- Preview
- Recipient Search
where the Performance and Preview tabs are specific to each messaging channel, while the Recipients tabs are common to all. We will address the specifics of each messaging channel individually, rounding off the description with common aspects.
Additionally, you can obtain a copy of the report of the campaign results by selecting Export Report found in the top right corner of the report of the campaign selected. To see the details click here.
SMS Report
Performance tab
The Performance tab is divided in two sections:
Delivery KPIs
Graphical Data information
Delivery KPIs
In the upper part of the Performance tab, are the KPI Snapshots of the campaign.
Total Messages Sent: Total number of messages that were sent successfully. That is, text messages (SMS) that have been successfully submitted from the platform to the Delivery Carrier.
Delivery Rate: Percentage of the total number of SMS messages that were delivered to end users
Transit Rate: Percentage of the total number of messages in transit. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of SMS messages Sent that either have not been delivered or have not failed.
Failed Rate: Percentage of the total number of messages that were not delivered to end users. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of SMS messages Sent that failed to be delivered.
Graphical Data Information
In the Performance tab, when SMS is used to send the campaign, it displays a bar chart of the message statuses reported by the Carrier for each category.
Once the messages have been sent, each message category will be logged and displayed via the bar chart.
The bar chart is divided into 5 categories and each message category contains the SMS message statuses reported by the Carrier.
Unsent: Total number of messages that were not sent successfully.
Sent: Total number of messages that were sent successfully.
Delivered: Total number of messages that were delivered to end users.
Transit: total number of messages in transit.
Failed: Total number of messages that were not delivered to end users.
Preview tab
Gives you a quick view of the SMS campaign assembly and content that was delivered to the Recipients.
Email Report
Performance tab
The Performance tab is divided into two sections:
Delivery KPIs
Graphical Data information
Delivery KPIs
In the upper part of the Report, find KPI Snapshots of the campaign delivery.
Total Messages Sent: Total number of messages that were sent from the platform successfully.
Delivery Rate: Percentage of the total number of Email messages that were delivered to end users.
Failed Rate: Percentage of the total number of messages that were not delivered to end users. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of Email messages Sent that failed to be delivered.
Open Rate: Percentage of opened Emails by end users.
Graphical Data Information
In the Performance tab, when Email is used to send the messages, it displays a bar chart of the message statuses reported for each category.
Once the messages have been sent, each message category will be logged and displayed via the bar chart.
The bar chart is divided into 5 categories and each message category contains the Email message statuses reported by the Carrier.
Unsent: Total number of messages that were not sent successfully.
Sent: Total number of messages that were sent successfully.
Not Open: Total number of end users who have not opened the email.
Open: Total number of end users that opened the email.
Failed: Total number of messages that were not delivered to end users.
Preview tab
Gives you a quick view of the Email campaign assembly and content that was delivered to the Recipients.
Push Report
Performance tab
The Performance tab is divided into two sections:
Delivery KPIs
Graphical Data information
Delivery KPIs
In the upper part of the Report, find KPI Snapshots of the campaign delivery.
Total Messages Sent: Total number of push notifications that were sent from the platform successfully.
Delivery Rate: Percentage of the total number of push notifications that were delivered to end users.
For GeoPush, the Delivery Rate represents the percentage of the total number of devices properly registered and received the push. Therefore, the device first validates the location and if it is located into the established radius, the device will display the notification. That is, the push notification is only displayed if the device is inside of the defined radius, for devices outside the radius it is ignored. Then, delivered in push solutions based on geolocation means delivered to reachable users (properly registered) and the actual display depends on the validation of the location in the device.
Failed Rate: Percentage of the total number of push notifications that were not delivered to end users. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of notifications Sent that failed to be delivered.
Unique Devices: Total number of unique devices registered that Push notifications were sent to.
Graphical Data Information
In the Performance tab, when a Push notification is used to send the messages, it displays a bar chart of the message statuses reported for each category.
Once the messages have been sent, each message category will be logged and displayed via the bar chart.
The bar chart is divided into 4 categories and each message category contains the Push notification statuses reported.
Unsent: Total number of notifications that were not sent successfully.
Sent: Total number of notifications that were sent successfully.
Delivered: Total number of notifications that were delivered to end users.
For GeoPush, the Delivery Rate represents the percentage of the total number of devices properly registered and received the push. Therefore, the device first validates the location and if it is located into the established radius, the device will display the notification. That is, the push notification is only displayed if the device is inside of the defined radius, for devices outside the radius it is ignored. Then, delivered in push solutions based on geolocation means delivered to reachable users (properly registered) and the actual display depends on the validation of the location in the device.
Failed: Total number of notifications that were not delivered to end users.
Messages by Platform: A pie chart is displayed showing the percentage of each message to each platform type (Android or iOS).
Preview tab
Gives you a quick view of the Push campaign assembly and content that was delivered to the Recipients.
RCS Report
Performance tab
The Performance tab is divided into two sections:
Delivery KPIs
Graphical Data information
Delivery KPIs
In the upper part of the Performance, are the KPI Snapshots of the campaign.
The process of delivering messages to end users undergoes several stages before a completed delivery.
The KPIs reflect these various stages and they are:
Total Messages Sent: Total number of RCS messages that were sent successfully.
Delivery Rate: Percentage of the total number of RCS messages that were delivered to end users.
Transit Rate: Percentage of the total number of messages in transit. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of RCS messages Sent that either have not been delivered or have not failed.
Failed Rate: Percentage of the total number of RCS messages that were not delivered to end users. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of messages Sent that failed to be delivered.
Graphical Data Information
In the Performance tab, when RCS is used to send the messages, it displays a bar chart of the message statuses reported for each category.
Once the messages have been sent, each message category will be logged and displayed via the bar chart.
The bar chart is divided into 4 categories and each message category contains the RCS message statuses reported.
Sent: Total number of RCS messages that were sent successfully.
Delivered: Total number of RCS messages that were delivered to end users.
Transit: Total number of messages in transit.
Failed: Total number of RCS messages that were not delivered to end users.
Preview Tab
The Preview tab allows you to view in one place all the details associated with the RCS campaign.
WhatsApp Report
Performance tab
The Performance tab is divided into two sections:
Delivery KPIs
Graphical Data information
Delivery KPIs
In the upper part of the Performance tab, are the KPI Snapshots of the campaign.
The KPIs reflect various stages and they are:
Total Messages Sent: Total number of messages that were sent successfully.
Delivery Rate: Percentage of the total number of WhatsApp messages that were delivered to end users.
Transit Rate: Percentage of the total number of messages in transit. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of WhatsApp messages Sent that either have not been delivered or have not failed.
Failed Rate: Percentage of the total number of messages that were not delivered to end users. That is, represents the percentage of the Total number of SMS messages Sent that failed to be delivered.
Graphical Data Information
In the Performance tab, when WhatsApp is used to send messages, it displays a bar chart of the message statuses reported for each category.
Once the messages have been sent, each message category will be logged and displayed via the bar chart.
The bar chart is divided into 5 categories and each message category contains the WhatsApp message statuses reported.
Unsent: Total number of messages that were not sent successfully.
Sent: Total number of messages that were sent successfully.
Delivered: Total number of messages that were delivered to end users.
Transit: Total number of messages in transit.
Failed: Total number of messages that were not delivered to end users.
Messages that fail to be delivered could be for several reasons, the user is out of coverage, the user's phone is out of service, or battery, or they have lost it and have disabled their SIM.
Preview Tab
The Preview tab allows you to view in one place all the details associated with the campaign.
Recipients Search tab
The Recipients Search tab consists of a Search function, a Filter function, and a table that displays the outcome of the messages sent to 10 members of the total targeted audience of the campaign.
The Search function allows pinpointing an audience member or group of the audience by entering the identity or part of it. For example, a search can be done on a completely specified identity, +97338331619, which will yield the results for that particular audience member.
Or, a partial entry, such as +97, will yield all the results for audience members with numbers that contain the +97 string.
This functionality is replicated for email and the other channels, where you can specify complete identities or partial strings of the identities of the audience you seeking results from.
The Filter by Status feature allows to selection of the data displayed in the table based on the possible message outcomes for the specific channel type. Each channel will have a set of outcomes that can be used for filtering, and the options offered will be limited to only those of the channel type involved in the campaign. The following screenshot is a sample of the results of an email outcome filtered based on Not Sent and Blacklisted.
For the descriptions of the significance of the message outcomes, go to the Messages Statuses section.
Furthermore, the filter settings in addition to displaying on the table only the message outcomes that correspond to the selected items, serve to restrict the results of the exported report including only the selected items within the report. If the selected items in the filter do not yield any results, the table will be empty, and consequently, there will be no data to be generated if the Export Report is selected.
Exporting a Report
Within the different campaign sections, on the top right side of the report section, you‘ll find Export Report.
Upon selecting it, a confirmation dialog will appear within the Email where the campaign Report will be sent, which is the email associated with the current session.
Click OK or press Enter on the keyboard and the Report will be sent to the Email that appears in the dialog box.
Once the Email arrives in the account’s Inbox and is opened, the message within the email will instruct you to download the report. An example of the Email that contains the campaign Report download link is shown in the figure below.
Clicking Download Report will store it on your device.
If you cannot find the Email in your Inbox, check the Spam folder. If you run into any issue with the email reception, contact the Support Team.
Updated 2 months ago